Special Education Advisory Committee


Ontario Regulation 464/97 of the Education Act directs that each Board of Education establish a Special Education Advisory committee, or SEAC. The Committee may make recommendations to the Board in respect of any matter affecting the establishment and development of special education programs and services for exceptional pupils of the Board.

The members of SEAC have a strong interest and commitment in assisting other parents who may have children with special needs or abilities.

Meetings are usually held at 6 pm at the Catholic Education Centre from 6.  All meetings of the Special Education Advisory Committee are open to the public. We welcome your presence.
A SEAC for a district school board is composed of the following:
  • ​Representatives and alternates for these representatives from up to 12 local associations. The local associations must be affiliated with associations or organizations that:
    • are incorporated;
    • ​operate throughout Ontario;
    • further the interests and well-being of one or more groups of exceptional children or adults; and,
    • do not represent professional educators.​
  • The lesser of 3 or 25 percent of the total number of board trustees
  • Where 1 or 2 board trustees are appointed to the SEAC each trustee has an alternate appointed.
  • One or two persons to represent the interests of First Nations students attending board schools under a tuition agreement.
  • One or m​​ore members at large (optional). Alternatives can be appointed to attend SEAC meetings if a local association's representative cannot be present.
SEAC members are appointed by the school board. They serve for the term of office of board members and until a new board is organized.
SEAC members must be qualified to vote for members of the board​ and must be a resident in its jurisdiction. Employees of a school board are not eligible for membership on the SEAC of the board that employs them. However, they can be members of another school board SEAC as long as they are eligible to vote for members of that school board.​

SEAC Members

Local Association:
School Board Representatives:
  • Linda Steel, Trustee
  • John Jevnikar, Trustee
  • Erin Macaluso, PIC Representative

Resource Personnel:
  • Julie Berkvens, Assistant Superintendent of Education
  • Gail Lalonde, Senior Administrator Professional Services
  • Andrea Harvey, Mental Health & Well-Being
  • Angela McHardy, Principal: Elementary
  • Rick Sheardown, Principal: Secondary
  • Lynn-Marie Pearce, Special Education Coordinator
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