Check Your Temperature!

Emotions. Everyone has them. They are the way that we understand and respond to the world around us. Each day, we experience a range of different emotions that come and go – some lasting a few seconds, others lingering to become a mood.  


All emotions are real and valid. They contain important information about ourselves and situations in our life. Usually, something will happen to spark an emotion, causing our body to react. Think: sweaty palms when we are nervous or a racing heart when we forget something important. This is when we start experiencing feelings. Our brain jumps in to try make sense of the emotion, assessing whether it is an opportunity or a risk for us. For example, some people may feel energized for a pop quiz whereas others may feel scared. The way we behave is an expression of these emotions and feelings.  


Some emotions will feel positive, such as when we are included, laugh, or are inspired by something.  Others can seem more negative, such as feeling angry, worried, or frustrated. Depending on the person and situation, the intensity of the emotion can be mild, intense, or anywhere in between. This can be helpful sometimes and unhelpful at other times.  For example, anger can be good when it encourages us to stand up for a something we believe in but it can be bad if we say or do hurtful things to others.  


There are times when our emotions can feel uncomfortable or overwhelming, particularly lately when many people are already depleted and exhausted. In these moments, we can feel like a kettle, ready to boil at any moment, which can affect how we think and behave. For example, if we are anxious about something, even something totally unrelated to our current situation, our reaction may be very different than if the same situation happened while we were calm or happy. This is why we may get mad in an instant or cry at the drop of a hat, even though it seems like an unexpected reaction at the time.  


The good news is that we can learn to identify our emotions and gauge their intensity. This can help us to notice when our feelings might affect our judgement or behaviour. With practice, we can pause, recognize, and regulate ourselves, keeping our responses in check.  


In today’s Wellness Wednesday, we try a strategy to check our emotional temperature.. 


Try this: 

As a class, group, or family:  

  • Try the “What’s My Temperature” activity ( This activity teaches us how to identify our emotions and take our emotional temperature so we  
  • Brainstorm as many emotions and feelings as you can (i.e., sad, happy, tired, embarrassed, relieved, disgusted, excited, awkward, angry, afraid, surprised, etc.). Make a visual reminder of all the ideas shared (i.e., list on a chart, clip images of emojis, etc.) 
  • Next, talk about how a thermometer could be used to measure an emotional feeling. Give an example of how to use the thermometer (i.e., I feel mellow, I am a 2 on the thermometer; I feel frustrated so I’m a 7 on the thermometer; I am excited and I am 8 on the thermometer, etc.).  
  • Ask others to suggest an emotion and where it would be on the emotional thermometer.  
  • Discuss how it is normal to have a range of feelings, especially during times of change and transition. Everyone feels things and all emotions are OK - big and small. The important thing is to learn to gauge the intensity of our emotions. Once we identify our temperature, we can use healthy strategies to regulate ourselves, bringing us back to a comfortable temperature.  
  • Talk about what kinds of strategies might help us when our temperature is rising.  
  • ASK: what are some physical ways to let out our emotions? Consider: breathe, stretch, go outside, have a snack, cry, laugh, take a walk, have a shower or bath, exercise, do chores, clean, garden, organize something, etc. 
  • ASK: what are some creative ways to let out our emotions? Consider: write draw, colour, paint, craft, sing, dance, play an instrument, listen to music, etc.   
  • Add these ideas to the visual reminder. Post it somewhere to be used when emotions run high.  



Ask yourself, there is no wrong answer: 

How could checking your emotional temperature be helpful in your life?  


Connecting to our faith: 

The Lord is merciful and gracious, slow to anger and abounding in steadfast love.” (Psalm 103:8) 

We are created in the image of God. We are connected, living in community, and recognize that every action and/or inaction affects ourselves, others, and the environment. Understanding why and how we experience various emotions is honouring the connection between mind, body and spirit. When we practise ways to self-regulate, we become more fully alive 


Further Learning: 

  • Children’s Book: What Color Is Your Day?” by Camryn Wells and Eleanor Loseby  



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