Wellness Wednesday: Reduce the Stress of being on Time!

Everyone runs late sometimes. Life happens and plans do not always work out as we want. Occasional lateness is not the end of the world. Chronic lateness, however, is a different situation. Have you ever run into a meeting late? Everyone stares and even if they don’t, you think they are. This is the definition of stress for some and especially for a lot of kids. When kids are late for school, they miss important social time, learning time and generally they may feel anxious to fit into the daily schedule. 
Being on Time
Late for the Bus

Try this: 

As a class, group, or family:  

  1. Brainstorm a list of activities, responsibilities and commitments that are typical for you in the morning. 
  1. Beside each item write the amount of time this task should take.  
  1. Then add up the total amount of time needed in the morning and discuss a reasonable time to wake up and get started.   
  1. Prioritize the list based on need and amount of time, then remove items that are unnecessary or can wait until another time of day. For example, preparing your backpack the night before school.  
  1. As a group or individually create a Morning Checklist that individuals can use to organize themselves in the morning. Discuss where the checklist will be and how to use it.   



  1. Screens are not for mornings: Screens of all kinds are the number one contributor to avoidance and escape.  
  1. Load time: Instead of budgeting 5 minutes for a task, give yourself and your children 15 minutes to allow for a buffer of time.  
  1. Sleep: If you cannot get up with your alarm, you are not getting enough sleep. Reasonable bedtime with calming routines can make a big difference to the kind of morning you will have together.  


Ask yourself, there is no wrong answer: 

How does being on time feel? How does being late feel? Which do you prefer? 

After doing this activity, what is your confidence level that you can get to school on time 0 – it’s impossible and 10 – it’s going to happen every day for sure! 


Connecting to our faith: 

“Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight.” – Proverbs 3:5-6 


Further Resources: 

Adult/Parent website: Christian website for Mom’s looking to balance their lives https://www.balancedmomlife.com/ 


Child/Family Game: 

What Would You Do? In A Jar: Daily Dilemmas for Young Children 

What Would You Do? In A Jar: Daily Dilemmas for Young Children


Employees of LDCSB checkout WorkLifeHealth from EAP Provider Morneau Sheppell 


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