Well Wednesday: Finding calm during stressful times

Stress and anxiety are physical, we feel it in our bodies. Do you ever feel tension in your back, your face, your heart? Do you ever find yourself clenching your jaw or with a tension headache? The song Weightless by Marconi Union has been proven to reduce anxiety by 65%. It was specifically designed to slow your heart rate, reduce blood pressure, and lower cortisol levels. It’s so effective that it’s dangerous to drive while listening to it because it can make you drowsy. 

Try this: 

As a class, group or family watch and listen to the Weightless video: 

Marconi Union - Weightless (Official Video) (8:08) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UfcAVejslrU  



Ask yourself, there is no wrong answer: 

Now that you have listened to the song and watched the video, scale your level of calm and relaxation, where 0 is I’m spinning out of control with stress and 10 is I’m very relaxed now.  

What do you think you can do to bring your number up even one more point? 


Connecting to our faith: 

O God, we meditate on your unfailing love as we worship in your Temple. – Psalm 48:9 


Further Learning: 

Adult Book:  

Everyday Blessings: The Inner Work of Mindful Parenting by Myla and Jon Kabat-Zinn 


Further Learning


Psychology Foundation of Canada: 6-part Parenting videos Psychology Foundation - Supporting Children's Mental Health 


 Psychology Foundation


Employees of LDCSB checkout WorkLifeHealth from EAP Provider Morneau Sheppell 


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