Orange Shirt Day

The London District Catholic School Board will be honouring Orange Shirt Day during the week of September 28-October 2, 2020. During this time, we acknowledge the tragedy of residential schools in Canada. The LDCSB recognizes Orange Shirt Day as an important step in reconciliation with our Indigenous brothers and sisters and in particular with our neighbouring Indigenous nations Chippewas of the Thames First Nation, Munsee Delaware Nation, and Oneida Nation of the Thames. We echo the sentiments of the Canadian Coalition of Catholic Bishops when they say, "We see our relationship with Indigenous Peoples as a major pastoral priority. In recent years, we have seen many examples of healing and reconciliation and we are committed to building on these efforts, working in close partnership with one another and learning to walk together." The LDCSB is happy to be a part of the Downie Wenjack Foundation's Legacy Schools Program which has provided resources to enrich and deepen the LDCSB's Orange Shirt Day experience for all students, K-12, within our Board.