Highlights from the April 26, 2021 Board Meeting

Presentation on the LDCSB Continuous Process Improvement Journey 
This presentation provided an update of the Board’s Continuous Process Improvement (CPI) journey using Lean methodology. The concept has been successfully implemented by our community partners, such as St. Thomas Elgin General Hospital (STEGH) and the City of London, who have shared their best practices over the years with LDCSB. CPI gathers ideas and stakeholders from across various departments and schools and then uses proven tools to deliver workflow efficiencies with transparency and accountability. The work to date has targeted departments at the CEC, in an effort to provide exemplary service to our Principals, Schools, Employees and ultimately to our Students. 
Returning the Centre for Lifelong Learning to the Name of St. Patrick Adult and Continuing Education 
In early 2019, the Centre for Lifelong Learning began taking note of the increasing questions about the distinct identity and of the program to the LDCSB. A process was followed to honour the guiding principles that founded the program. A priority was made to re-establish our Catholic identity, honour our characteristics, and celebrate our rich traditions throughout the yearly academic programming and supports for both staff and students. 

The Centre for Lifelong  Learning will return to the name of St. Patrick Adult and Continuing Education. 

Special Education Family of Schools HUB Model  
The memo from the Ministry provided boards with a directive to bring students with special needs who are unable to access remote learning back to face to face learning. While inviting these students back, Boards were also provided with the direction to limit locations and movement. To provide rich programming for our students, and still follow the directive, we have developed a Family of Schools HUB Model in the Elementary Schools. We have gone from 43 sites to 18 sites where an excellent program is provided with many supports in place for our most vulnerable students.