Nurturing Hope

The theme for Catholic Week is Nurturing Hope. The challenges posed by COVID-19 make this theme all the more relevant. This week we celebrate the gift of Catholic Education. Renewing the Promise: A Pastoral Letter for Catholic Education describes the gift of community that encourages engagement and instils hope.


Catholic education forms communities of faith that help students experience the love of God. The more our students see and understand themselves as the beloved children of God, the more they will want to love God with all their hearts, minds and souls. This in turn moves them to love of neighbour which bears witness to justice and charity . . . To know the faith means living the faith: ‘to do justice, to love kindness, and to walk humbly with you God.”


Please find below a link to Bishop Fabrro’s message for Catholic Education Week:



This week is also Children’s Mental Health Week. Posted on our board website are Five Ways to Wellbeing, simple, evidence-based ways that can make positive difference.


Be Active: Go outside. Move your body. Exercise.

Keep Learning: Embrace new experiences. See opportunity.

Connect: Talk. Listen. Support. Understand.

Give: Your time. Your words. Your presence.

Notice: Appreciate the simple things. Stay present.


Congratulations to Michelle Massaro who last Wednesday was recognized as a recipient 2021 Leading Women, Leading Girls, Building Communities Award. Michelle was recognized for her work as World’s FIRST Robotics lead mentor and co-founder of Just Cause Canada, a Canadian charitable organization supporting educational projects in Uganda with a focus on STEAM.


May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.”

Romans 15:13