The Power of Validation

We are great problem solvers. That’s kind of our thing! Not sure how to answer that math equation? Let’s find a YouTube video that explains it. Forgot your scarf at Grandma’s? We have a spare! In fact, our ability to solve problems and creatively meet our needs has helped us survive and evolve as a species.  

But what about problems that aren’t so easily solved, or perhaps that can’t be solved at all, at least in the moment? What do we do when the people in our life are sharing about things that we don’t have easy answer for, such as feeling worried about an upcoming assignment, or missing friends and family, or about a loved one’s illness 


Usually our first instinct is to move into “fix-it” mode. We may offer advice, try to help someone “feel better”, or even downplay a problem because we don’t think it’s such a big deal. From experience though, most of us know that doing this doesn’t always go well. Listening, empathizing, and reflecting someone’s experience is much more impactful because what most people really want first is to feel heard and understood. This is where validation comes in! 


Validation is a powerful and effective communication tool. Particularly when we are going through a challenging time, validation can help us feel supported.  

In today’s Wellness Wednesday, we learn about the power of validation. 


Try this: 

As a class, group, or family:  

  • Talk about validation. Validation is the process of identifying and acknowledging someone else’s emotional experience. When we validate someone, we offer support without judgement or analysis, without trying to fix or change a situation. Validating an emotion does not mean that we agree with the other person. Rather, we provide support by recognizing their feelings and thoughts are real and important to them, regardless of whether they make sense to us.  
  • Review these steps to use to validate someone: 
  • Identify. Start by identifying and acknowledging the emotion that the other person is having. Try saying: “I understand you are angry” or Wow I’d be sad too” or “That sounds frustrating”. Hint: if you’re not sure, you can take a guess. Try: Sounds like you’re feeling overwhelmed” or “You seem angry”.  
  • Prompt. Show that you care about what is being shared by prompting for more information or providing simple encouragement so that the person will feel comfortable to share more. Say: “And then what happened” or “Wow tell me more”.  
  • Acknowledge. Whether you agree or not, it is important to acknowledge that it makes sense to you why they might be having these feelings.  Try: “I hear you” or “That sounds like a tough day” or “This is making you really upset”. If you know more details, include them in your response, such as “I’d also feel uncomfortable if everyone was staring at me” or “I can see why you feel angry if they took your sweatshirt without asking”.   
  • Next, read through the statements below. Try to identify the responses that validate someone’s feelings compared to the responses that try to problem solve or downplay the challenge. 

“These are the rules. You’re lucky. I had way more rules to follow when I was a kid.” 

“Wow, you studied a lot for that test. I’s disappointing to not get the grade you were hoping for. 

“I know you’re upset about your mark on your test, but you’ll make it up next time.” 

You miss your friends on your hockey team. It’s really tough to not see them more.” 

“You’ll get to play hockey and see your friends next season.” 

“That sounds difficult. I hear that it was a hard day for you.” 

“You need to learn to not let stuff bug you so much.” 

“Sounds like it felt really bad to not be included today. I hear you.” 

“You are angry with me because I asked you to help clean up and you were having fun.” 

 “Next time speak up and ask to be included.” 

“You’re being too sensitive. I’m sure she didn’t hear you when you said hello.” 

“All of the information we’re hearing in the news can make you feel pretty worried.” 

“I get that. If you felt like he was going behind your back, it makes sense that you’d feel angry.” 

"That must be really hard. I bet you’re frustrated." 

“Well maybe if you had done something different, this wouldn’t have happened.” 

“Really? You think that’s a big deal? You have no idea how easy it is to be a kid.” 


  • Discuss what responses feel better. Try saying these to each other. Consider making up a few of your own using common situations when it might help to feel validated.  



Ask yourself, there is no wrong answer: 

Is there a time someone has validated your experience during a challenging time? How did that feel? 

How could the power of validation help in your life?  


Connecting to our faith: 

“Instead of offering an opinion or advice, we need to be sure that we have heard everything the other person has to say. ... Often the other spouse does not need a solution to his or her problems, but simply to be heard, to feel that someone has acknowledged their pain, their disappointment, their fear, their anger, their hopes and their dreams." (Pope Francis) 

God remains with us always and is our most important listener. We can offer the words of our heart to God in prayer, putting our trust in Him in times of need.  During challenging times, we can remind ourselves that God is our constant, resting in the comfort that His “steadfast love endures forever” (1 Chronicles 16:34).  

Let us pray:  Loving God, help us to be inspired by your example to serve others. May we be a place of healing and safety for youth, nurturing and supporting the growth of wisdom and emotional awareness in their lives.  


Further Learning: 



Employees of LDCSB check out WorkLifeHealth from EAP Provider Morneau Sheppell 

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