Give Thanks

We give thanks in many ways. Sometimes we offer gratitude in person or express it in writing. Other times, we may think about a past blessings or pause to appreciate a present moment. When we give thanks, whether it is for something big or small, we increase the endorphins (feel good chemicals) in our brains. This can help us learn to intentionally notice the positive elements in our day, improve our overall mood, and bring more joy into our lives. Giving thanks also helps us to see God. The more we thank Him, the more we feel His presence and see Him working around us.

In today’s Wellness Wednesday, we give thanks in prayer.

Try this:

As a class, group or family:

· Try the Pope Francis 5 Finger Prayer.

· The thumb is the closest finger to you. Start praying/expressing gratitude for those who are closest to you.

· The next finger is the index. Pray/express gratitude for those who teach you, instruct you and heal you.

· The following finger is the tallest. It reminds us of our leaders and those in authority.

· The fourth finger is the ring finger, the weakest finger. It reminds us to pray for those in need.

· And finally, your pinkie reminds you to pray/be

grateful for yourself.

· Try it again and add breathing to the prayer. When we inhale, we can think of God's love for us. When we exhale, we can think about those that we will share that love with.


Ask yourself, there is no wrong answer:

What do I need to give thanks to God for?

In what ways can I give thanks?


Connecting to our faith:

“O give thanks to the Lord, for he is good; for his steadfast love endures forever.” (Psalm 107: 1)

Prayer is an important part of our Catholic faith. When we engage in prayer, we create opportunities to communicate with God. Giving thanks, particularly in prayer, helps us to notice the many blessings we receive from Him each day.

Further Learning: · EXAMEN PRAYER: · LEAFLET: Five Finger Daily Examen Prayer

· CHILDREN’S BOOK: “The Book of Awesome” by Neil Pasricha

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