Celebrate YOU!

We all deserve to be supported, lifted up, and surrounded by people who want to see us succeed. And most importantly, we need to celebrate ourselves when we’ve done something that we are proud of or when something exciting is going on for us. The small steps, the big achievements, the progress after a setback.

When we pause to notice and celebrate the good things that happen in our lives, we promote caring environments. Sharing our successes and experiences of value may help us to find common ground with others, encouraging relationships based on shared experiences or interests. Plus, receiving support and encouragement from others can help to develop positive self-perception and build confidence.

In today’s Wellness Wednesday, we try an activity to recognize and appreciate special moments for ourselves and others.


Try this:

As a class, group, or family:

· Brainstorm some ideas of appropriate things to share, contribute, or celebrate (i.e., passed a piano exam, have a sports activity planned, going on a trip, finished reading a book, got a new pet, visited family, finished all the homework, went to bed early, unplugged for an hour, etc.).

· Next, schedule a regular daily or weekly time and method to share positive news.

o In the classroom: host a “tell me something good” sharing circle. Consider having someone record what is shared (i.e., bulletin board, class journal, etc.), so that people can follow-up with the individual, when applicable.

o At home: invite each person in your household to share something good about their day. This can be any positive aspect of their life, from school, to friends, or anything else.


Ask yourself, there is no wrong answer:

What achievements could you celebrate for yourself? For others?


Connecting to our faith:

“Jesus, the Risen Lord, loves us without limits and is there at every moment of our lives.” (Pope Francis)

By loving ourselves and appreciating the unique gifts we have been given, we live in the image of Jesus, who showed us the true meaning of love and the nature of God. Loving oneself reminds us of God’s love and is part of being fully alive.


Further Learning:

· ACTIVITY: “What’s New” from School Mental Health Ontario https://smho-smso.ca/fw/self-awareness-and-sense-of-identity/knowing-oneself/whats-new/

· ARTICLE: “Sharing Good News Strengthens Relationships” https://heartmindonline.org/resources/sharing-good-news-strengthens-relationships

· CHILDREN’S BOOK: “ABC Let’s Celebrate You And Me” by Sugar Snap Studio


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