Easter Message from the LDCSB

“Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who in his great mercy gave us a new birth to a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead,” - 1 Peter 1:3 
It is truly a sign of hope that the disciples chose not to dwell on the tragedy of Jesus death, but instead were inspired to share the news of Jesus’ resurrection and the promise of eternal life. 
Easter is the most important season in the Catholic church. The suffering, death and resurrection of Jesus takes us beyond the suffering of Christ to the joy and hope that comes from witnessing the risen Lord.  
Together, as a community of believers, Christ reminds us to treat each other, and ourselves, with compassion, patience and forgiveness. We have all been called to be witnesses and to respond to those around us, especially those who are suffering and the most vulnerable. 
This Easter season, with renewed vigor and open hearts, let us move forward with conviction to share the good news and promise of the Resurrection with others. Together we are agents and instruments of hope to the world. May we continue to model that in our words and actions in the service of justice, peace, reconciliation and unity.  
We are Easter people, inspired to act in faith with the same courage, endurance, love and selflessness that Jesus demonstrated through His ultimate sacrifice. 
On behalf of all of us in the London District Catholic School Board, we thank you for your continued support and partnership. We wish you and your family a safe, restful, and blessed Easter.