Students » New to Canada / International Students

New to Canada / International Students

If you are a family new to Canada or an international student looking to attend one of our schools, we are here to help!
Please note that to attend one of our Elementary schools, either the student or parent must be baptized Roman Catholic as part of the eligibility. 

Parents with a Study Permit / Work Permit 

Parents who are in Canada on a Study or Work Permit and would like to register their student within our school board, please click on the following link below to start the registration process.
Once you have completed the application in the link below, please allow approximately 1 week to receive direction from the Admissions Department to proceed with registering your child(ren) at one of our schools.

Permanent Resident / Refugee Status / CUAET

Families who are Permanent Residents or Refugee claimants, please complete the Online Registration Form

International Fee Paying Students

Note: we are currently NOT accepting new fee paying international students. Please check back for September 2025 registration.
International Fee Paying Students may contact [email protected] with any questions or concerns.
We welcome applications, with payment of applicable fees, from international students seeking a Catholic secondary school education. Language support is offered in schools, with a full ESL program offered at Catholic Central High School in London. Please see applicable forms below.


Working with an Agent/Recruiter

LDCSB International was established to enhance the level of support available to international students working with agents who wish to study in London.


Key features:

  • partnerships with King's University College and Fanshawe College​ to introduce students to the options available after high school and ensure motivated international students are prepared for post-secondary studies and success
  • orientation and peer-mentoring programs designed to introduce and integrate international students with their Canadian peers
  • superior English language programs custom-designed to help motivated international students acquire academic-level English
  • extracurricular activities that provide additional opportunities for international students to socialize with Canadian students to build cross-cultural understanding and further language development

To apply as an International Student for secondary school (Grades 9 to 12), please review the International Student Application Agreement and required Terms of Admission Agreement. International Student Applications after June 1 prior to the school year may not be considered for acceptance. Apply early for a better student experience.

Step 1:  
Complete the International Student Application and Custodianship Declaration Forms. A non-refundable application fee of $350 is required.

Step 2:
Review the Terms of Admission Agreement and compile all required documentation including certified translations in English. Once completed, sign the Terms of Admission Agreement to attend Catholic secondary school. 

Step 3:
Email the completed Application and signed Custodianship Forms, payment of required fees via wire transfer and all documentation, attaching certified translations of documents in English to [email protected].

Note: Please allow up to 2 weeks for processing of Applications and 6-8 weeks to apply for a Study Permit.

Step 4:
If accepted, the Admissions office will issue a letter for you to provide to the Canadian Embassy to apply for a Study Permit. All International students must receive a Study Permit issued by Citizenship and Immigration Canada, valid for the full school year, before leaving their home country to attend school in Canada.  

Step 5:
All International students must contact the Admissions office upon their arrival in Canada to present their Study Permit and Passport prior to registration at the school. Once the Terms of Admission have been validated, upon your arrival in Canada, you may contact the School's Guidance office to make an appointment to begin the registration process at the school.​

Please email [email protected] for any questions/assistance.