Planning Underway for Re-Opening of our Schools

As part of Ontario’s approach to re-opening schools for the 2020 – 2021 school year, school boards have been asked to prepare to move forward with one of three possible scenarios for September:

  1. Return to the standard in class format with health and safety protocols in place
  2. Continue with current distance learning
  3. Implement an ‘adapted delivery model’

 We expect to be given direction by the Ministry in early August as to which scenario will be in place for September. Whether we return to a ‘standard in class format’ or an ‘adapted delivery model’, strict protocols will be in place to support the health and safety of our students, staff and families. Some of these protocols will include:

  • Physical distancing, directional arrows, decreasing interactions with others
  • Hand washing
  • Personal protective equipment (PPE) where physical distancing is not possible
  • Staggered entry/exit/recess/lunch
  • Washroom/hall procedures
  • Limited movement throughout the school
  • No large gatherings
  • Bus travel, one student per seat (except for siblings who will be allowed to share a seat)

 The adapted delivery model will have the following required elements:

  • Cohorting, where teachers and students remain together as a group (cohort) to the maximum extent possible
  • A cohort be made up of no more than 15 students in classroom on a single day
  • Alternate school day attendance for students based on the cohort to which they are assigned
  • Minimal movement of students and teachers in the school

 To provide guidance on what an Adapted delivery model could look like, an example is provided below.

 In early August, once we are told by the Ministry the scenario under which we will be opening the school year, we will be reaching out to parents and asking if you will be sending your child/children to school and further, if eligible for bussing, will you be sending your child/children on the bus.

 Many questions remain, including what will instruction look like in speciality areas such as music or technology. We will be provided direction from both Ministry and health officials. During the summer as further information becomes available, we will be keeping in touch with you.

 Wishing everyone a safe and healthy summer and we pray that the fall will see us all together, sooner rather than later.

 L. Staudt
Director of Education

An EXAMPLE of an Adapted Cohort Model – Elementary and Secondary 

  • Students as part of their regularly scheduled classes would be assigned to one of two cohorts, with no more than 15 students per cohort. Families (same household) will be kept together.
  • Two days per week of in-school learning would take place for each cohort where the teacher is teaching for example, Cohort A on Monday and Tuesday and teaching Cohort B on Thursday and Friday
  • Remote teacher led curriculum delivery (e.g. Wednesday) would be available to students for a period of the day (whole class or smaller group instruction) as we undertake a deeper clean of the school between cohorts
  • Learning at Home Days - students would be assigned curriculum linked work (lessons, activities, and assignments) through the Learning Management System (VLE/D2L)
Example Cohort Model