Kindness: A Superpower We All Possess!

We can all tap into the tremendous power of KINDNESS that lies within us! When we ignite the spark of KINDNESS by modelling it to others, they will in turn pass on good deeds to more people and that’s how a kindness revolution can start. Kindness often has a boomerang effect that keeps on giving! You feel good for giving and the other person feels good for the compassion connection they have made with you.  

The power of kindness particularly shines through during times of challenge and struggle. For many people here in Canada and around the world, the past year has been one of particular challenge. This makes engaging in acts of kindness more important than ever!


Try this: 

As a class, group or family watch the following video about Kindness and the power of connection to beat stress and life’s difficulties. 

Life Vest Inside - Kindness Boomerang - "One Day" (5:44) 

Ask yourself, there is no wrong answer: 

Put yourself in the shoes of one of the individuals in the video, how would this interaction change your day, your mood, your overall outlook on life and those around you? 

How can you show more kindness to one another today? To other members of your immediate and extended families? To members of your community or internationally?   

Remember - we all try our best and sometimes people do make mistakes. An act of kindness can often help in those situations. Think about a recent time you or someone else used kindness as a superpower to turn a negative situation into a positive one. 

Connecting to our faith: 

Dear God, I want to be kind. Help me to be kind even when I don’t feel like it or when I don’t think the other person deserves it. Amen. 


Further Learning: 

If you are inspired, check out the following website for some inspiration of how you can use your kindness superpower to show support to others (from a distance) as we continue to battle the COVID-19 pandemic together.  

Children’s Book: 

The Invisible Boy by Patrice Barton 

 invisible boy


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