Cooperative Education
Board staff presented how Cooperative education is being delivered this school year. Dominik Wojtas, a St. Mary’s Secondary School student, shared his final culminating assignment for his cooperative education course. Dominik was involved in a Specialist High Skills Program (SHSM) in Manufacturing. One of the requirements of the SHSM program is that the student completes a cooperative education course in the related sector. Dominik had a placement as a Manufacturing Design Assistant at Maglin Site Furniture in Woodstock. Dominik began his work placement in person but pivoted to a virtual placement during school closure. Through his project he demonstrated how he was able to capture the impact of this experience using a new digital tool available to LDCSB students, WeVideo, and how the cooperative education program has impacted his future pathway.
Faith Day 2021
This year’s system-wide Faith Day occurred on March 5, 2021 and was very well-received. An update on the day including feedback received from the system was provided.
LDCSB Learning Amid COVID-19
The pandemic has caused disruption to student learning and has taken a toll on the social/emotional well-being of students. Administrators, teachers and support staff have been working to implement strategies to keep students connected to their learning whether in person or remote.
Various staff made presentations on learning through technology and the tools used to support in person and remote learning (asynchronous and synchronous).
The LDCSB Learning Amid COVID report identifies strategies employed to support both in- person and remote learning. Outlined are the successes, challenges as well as ways in which supports, and strategies have been put in place to assist in mitigating learning loss and best support students to advance to the next school year.
Voluntary Asymptomatic Targeted COVID-19 Testing in LDCSB Schools
On February 1, 2021, the Ministry of Education announced plans to expand asymptotic targeted COVID- 19 testing in schools for students and staff across the province. In addition to daily screening, masking and the other health and safety measures, targeted testing in schools is an important layer of protection that helps to limit the spread of COVID-19.
The targeted COVID-19 testing is voluntary and is for asymptomatic students and staff only. Household members of students and staff, and anyone with symptoms, should continue to seek testing at an assessment centre.
The testing is being conducted by a vendor retained by the Ministry of Education. The test being administered is the PCR (nasal swap) test. The testing result runs through the provincial/national labs and comes back to families the same way as if they went to one of the assessment centres.
School boards have been asked by the Ministry to undertake asymptomatic targeted testing in at least 5% of the elementary and secondary schools within their jurisdiction each week. In the LDCSB’s case, that means at least 3 schools per week.
LDCSB is using the hub model where each secondary school and its 4 to 6 feeder elementary schools are offered the testing at the secondary school. The testing takes place at one secondary school every Wednesday running through June 30th. All locations will get two rounds of asymptomatic testing, excluding the Centre for Lifelong Learning in London and HCC in Middlesex [Strathroy] which will be testing sites on only one occasion.
The respective principals receive notice the Thursday prior to the Wednesday when testing for students and staff will be offered. Schools send notice of the testing to staff and student/families in the school communities (from the schools via School Messenger to students/families and via email to staff at those schools). Although originally appointments had to be booked through the vendor, approximately one week ago it was decided by the vendor and the Ministry that appointments were no longer required.
Building Services works with the Secondary School Charge Custodians regarding the necessary set up for the testing. The vendor brings all of the required equipment, manages the line (if any) and reports statistics (eg number of tests done) directly to the Ministry.