Welcome Others

“I’m so glad you’re here today!”

Everyone would love to hear this when they arrived to a new place, which is why it matters to welcome others and create a sense of belonging. Whether we greet someone with a friendly message (i.e., “I’m glad you’re here” “I was looking forward to seeing you today”), add something to our space to demonstrate we’ve thought about others (i.e., hang up their artwork, prepare a name tag, etc.), or take an interest in people as individuals (i.e., ask about their hobbies, follow up about a past conversation, etc.), there are so many simple ways to make others feel included. A sincere welcome goes beyond words. Research tells us that experiencing a sense of belonging contributes to positive well-being and mental health. When we are intentional about welcoming others, we reminds people that they matter and are valued. This sets a foundation for meaningful connection and feelings of belonging.

In today’s Wellness Wednesday, we do an activity to welcome others.

Try this:

As a class, group, or family:

· Create and share positive, hopeful messages that inspire a sense of wellness and belonging. This can be done at home, in the classroom, around the school, and/or throughout the community.

· Start by talking about where and how to present the messages. Some ideas could be to use sidewalk chalk to write messages outside, create posters to hang on walls, windows, or bulletin boards, or draw on white boards or mural paper.

· Take some time to prepare and review everything before creating your final products. Check that the messages and images are diverse and inclusive so that everyone sees themselves represented and feels that their ideas are valued. · Look at SMHO’s “Inspirational Graffiti” activity for more ideas: (elementary) https://smho-smso.ca/fw/self-awareness-and-sense-of-identity/assertive-communication/inspirational-outdoor-graffiti/ (secondary) https://smho-smso.ca/fwsecondary/positive-motivation-and-perseverance/practising-optimism/inspirational-graffiti/


Ask yourself, there is no wrong answer:

How does it feel to be welcomed?

How do positive spaces and messages demonstrate our Catholic faith?

When was the last time you felt truly welcome somewhere? What made you feel that way?


Connecting to our faith:

“Welcome one another, therefore, just as Christ has welcomed you, for the glory of God.” (Romans 15:7)

Jesus welcomes all. Creating ways to welcome others and connect as a Catholic community builds a sense of belonging and celebrates our diversity as children of God. This also brings us closer to the Lord because we are reminded of His presence and love for us.


Further Learning:

· EDUCATOR ARTICLE: www.edutopia.org/article/every-student-matters-cultivating-belonging-classroom

· CHILDREN’S BOOK: “All Are Welcome” by Alexandra Penfold

· CAREGIVER RESOURCE: “Easy and Fun Mental Health Activities for Home” (10th activity) https://smho-smso.ca/wp-content/uploads/2020/07/EDMH-ParentActivities-FINAL-EN.pdf


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